Croatia: Zagreb II

Before leaving Zagreb behind there was one last thing I wanted to share: Time Machine Zagreb!

While we were there, the city was offering various 19th-century-themed events, like waltzing under gazebos, costume promenades, etc. We weren't quite prepared for any of this, having left our (non-existent) steam punk costumes behind, and so we didn't actually go to any of the events. We stuck to the regular tourist fare. But I think it's cool that the city was doing this and I really love the design of their pamphlet. So this is for the design geeks and historical costumers (I am envious of all of you):

On a related note (design, style, same thing!), I didn't take any fashion photos to document the local style 'cuz I'm just not comfortable doing that, but I did buy a fashion magazine to check it out.

Of course I can't read it, but the pictures are cool. And I do believe there are several articles about sex (seems to be the same word), so that conforms to the average US 'woman's' magazine output I'd say.

Here's one that shows how various women have styled the same t-shirt:

While I didn't take photos of anyone (purposefully), Drew and I were stopped in the main square in Zagreb by a wanna-be Sartorialist (I'm convinced) who requested to take our photo. We posed for him after he assured us that he wouldn't do anything weird with the photo but I'm not too sure what he will be doing with it. So if you see any odd photos of me floating around there in webland...

Anyhow, I hope everybody's having a good week. I'm not being very productive, craft-wise. Lots of knitting and unknitting and reknitting. I haven't wanted to touch my sewing 'cuz it's been rainy and that makes me sleepy!


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