
I was settled down on my couch reading one of my favorite blogs: Meg the Grand and when I got to the end of her post I had a surprise. Nid de Tissus is one of the blogs she chose to pass along the Stylish Blogger Award to!

Wow; that was unexpected. I'm just happy that I have some readers and I hope I don't bore you. So, here's a big THANK YOU to Meg. :)

I'll try to think of 7 things about me that you might like to know...

1) I spent several months living in a (big) tent with 5 other women on an (otherwise) uninhabited island (Sitkalidik) next to Alaska. We were students on an archaeology expedition. There were men there too, but not in our tent. :)

2) I walked dogs full-time for a year in Chicago. This is possibly the best job I've ever had. Dogs are great.

3) I have a piece of graphite visible in my palm from where I accidentally stabbed myself during my homework for middle school.

4) I had the good luck to live in Honolulu for 5 years before moving to Orleans, France (where I'm currently living).

5) I've been trying to learn German for forever and it's not quite sticking; but I really want to learn it!

6) I grew up in Mesa, AZ (outside of Phoenix) with my mom and older sister. I should've learned Spanish, but I studied French instead.

7) When I was 12 years old, I (accidentally) broke my dad's leg in a snowmobile accident. I was driving the snowmobile and I drove us over a fence.

It's hard to come up with 7 things! And it's hard to choose only 7 blogs to pass this award to. I'm going to limit my choices to craft/sewing blogs. If you don't want to participate, you don't have to, but I'm passing this award along to you:

Modern Vintage Cupcakes
Steph at 3 Hours Past the Edge of the World
Andi from Untangling Knots
Picnic Fan
Sarah from Rhinestones and Telephones
Carolyn from Handmade by Carolyn


  1. Thank you for picking my blog as one of your seven!

    P.S. Dog walking sounds like an awesome job. I'd love to do that for awhile.

  2. Thank you so much for choosing my blog! That's so nice of you!! :) I am totally envious of your French life - I have wanted to travel to France since I was a girl!

  3. Congratulations, Donna! I'm not surprised though. Especially since you finally got your widgets working. :)

  4. Thank you so much for choosing my blog for the award! I'll get around to it, soon...:)
    Ooh, I would love to walk dogs for a job too. I agree, dogs are great company!

  5. Dog walking in Chicago? I love all the dog parks here! And you lived in one of my favorite places: Honolulu! yay - thanks for answering!


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